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  • Starwin352's Mod App

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Starwin352, Aug 5, 2014.

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    1. Starwin352

      Starwin352 Active Member

      Jun 22, 2014
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      How old are you?
      I am Currently 18:pomp: (Sorry, mistyped last age)
      Your in-game name:
      What timezone are you in?
      EST :happy:

      What country do you live in?

      What languages do you speak?
      Only English :bag:

      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      Why I think I should become mod is because I am mature and I like helping people. The reason I would want to be a Mod is so I can help the server, making it a good and fun place. I have a good insight on what the people want because I have been apart of the people for some time now. Again, I would like to be mod to help people and make the server a better place for everybody. The server I would like to Moderate is Kit PvP and OP PvP (Mainly Kit PvP):D
      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      Min. 1 hour, maybe 2. On Saturday and Sunday, I can be on for Min. 3 Hours.:)
      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      Min. 6 months:what:

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      Thank you for reading my App. If you guys support me, I will do the best job I can to Moderate Mineverse. Again, I would just like to help you all!

      Because you guys want more detail, I will add on why I want to be mod.

      I would like to be mod because I have been playing on mineverse for a LONG time. In that time period, I have been fighting/witnessing hackers but never get the chance to record them. I would like to see them and ban them so the community of mineverse will be fun. Regardless if they are my friend or not, I would ban them. When I come across hackers on the field, I get frustrated, as do everybody else. I would like to ban them so Mineverse will become hacker-free. Since I have never been a Moderator, I know what people want.

      Now, because I need to be on more, I will try to be on Mineverse/forums for atleast another Hour and 30 minutes.
      Last edited: Aug 8, 2014
    2. sharm00ta

      sharm00ta Well-Known Member

      Nov 24, 2013
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      Im depending on you to add a few more detail/information there.
      Best of luck buddy! :)
    3. Bob Sheepert

      Bob Sheepert Experienced Member

      Dec 23, 2013
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      Sorry, no support. You need like 830% more detail, and much much much much muuuuuch more forum activity.
    4. UncleUrnesto

      UncleUrnesto Boss Member

      Dec 3, 2013
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      More details, Good luck ;)!
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