Sorry you feel that way, how ever it's not really possible to be active on all gamemodes seeing how many gamemodes there are.. I am active on the forums mainly in the "help" Section, thank you for the reply
You're welcome. Well, being relatively active on at least most gamemodes does give you a higher chance. Good to hear you're making an effort...
I try to stay as active on as much gamemodes as possible. I normally get caught up helping players in survival or reporting some players who are breaking rules there. I switch it up by going to skywars, then to infected then to gta, kitpvp, archer pvp. I mix it up as much as i can.
Neutral for now, your application looks pretty good but you should add a bit more information under "why do you think you should become a Mod", also you activeness should be changed.
You aren't very active on the forums, I also don't see you in-game. Maybe it's because we have different timezones?
there was nothing wrong with those screenshots not going off topic here. If you want you can discuss that with me in pm not here, thanks.