Make volunteers able to become helpers if they are active, do reports often and are helpful. (There would be helper applications, with the following questions: what is your in-game name, can you screenshot and record, how many time can you be on the server everyday and in what time zone are you; the only requirements would be to have been on the forums for 1 week and have set up Two Factor Authentification) Helpers would be able to warn, mute and tempban. Give /op to the Administrators and to the Staff Managers Give more perms to the Senior Moderators
1. Helpers will never come as the owners have expressed, and the perms you suggest are pretty much moderator perms. 2. Admins Have op on most but not on all yet. 3. Support but not overally important perms just small things that help.
Point 1: Terrible idea in my opinion, because it would be useless. People would then only apply for helpers, and there wouldn’t be any moderator applications at all. Plus, the commands you’re listing that helpers would have are basically the only commands moderators already have, so what is the point of a helper rank if they will have the same purpose as a moderator? I could definitely add more arguments to my opinion, and I’m sure others will be able to as well. Point 2 and 3: The thing about these suggestions is that we can’t do that, and it’s not a game of ask and get. We’ve asked for months for more permissions, for every staff role, yet we never get it. I can’t explain to you why we don’t get it, since I don’t even know much about why. Either way, it’s not that easy to get perms.
I do think that we definitely need more staff members, but this is definitely not the way to go. As @Ordi said, the current staff ranks will not get any upgrades with their permissions, but I think this is a good thing. We still have admins that can get things like rank fixes and unbans sorted out, then we have senior moderators who are able to advise the moderators (and do everything else they do <3), and then we have the moderators who do as their name suggests - moderate. I personally feel like we should make becoming moderator easier. As you know, who becomes staff is decided by the votes of the people and the staff team. With this, it is still very difficult to become staff, but this is a good thing in many ways, as we don't want people who wouldn't do their job as moderator correctly on the staff team.With this, I still feel like it should be easier, especially for those who haven't been staff before. Those who have been staff have an advantage as they have already proven that they can do their job correctly, they get a lot more messages, they grow in the community faster, etc. For those of us who haven't become staff and have applied (myself included), it is much harder to get supports from people as you haven't been given the chance to prove yourself yet. When I say I want it to be easier, I personally don't know how to bring that forth. I just feel like it shouldn't have to take as long and as many supports to get a person to become staff. ^ With this, I also realize that this is a good thing because as I said, we don't want a person who won't do their job to be on the staff team. But again, I don't think it should take as long as it should and that people should not judge simply because of your application, but because of your actions (words, reports, etc.). For this certain suggestion, I will have to go with no support because of the reasons stated by the two staff. *With this, I would also like to say that my New Year's Resolution for Mineverse is to become less toxic, as that is what many people judged me on for my last application. I curse a bit (fck, sht) and talk down upon on certain members of the staff team, but I have my reasons along with many others. Although I have reasons, this is not what I should be doing, especially after I applied. I have already quit hacking and have deleted clients, so I will try my hardest not to hack anymore. I am going to wait a few months and make sure to carry out this resolution, I will try to report more, become more active, I have already quit hacking since the last time I have been banned but I want to prove myself, and I will try to apply again. If you see me ingame or on forums and I am acting dumb, please quote me on this.*
Like stated above, there is no point for a Helper Rank because the Moderators basically have the same permission and nobody would apply for Moderator. No Support.