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  • Requirements Needed Staff By ChaseJoles

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by ChaseJoles, Nov 30, 2019.

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    1. ChaseJoles

      ChaseJoles Established Member

      Nov 30, 2019
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      I would like to become a staff member because I love helping people and making them enjoy their Minecraft experience, as staff of my first few servers I played on were helping and supportive towards me, I think that's why I am able to be playing today.

      For the record, I see a lot of people trying to "show off" their "English skills" by doing this

      I Think That I Should Become A Admin Because I Know How To Do It And I Have Done It Before

      You guys have to remember, " There isn't some rule when writing that if you don't capitalize a word it doesn't 'count' as a word" -The Oatmeal

      Also, if someone asks for your age and maturity level. Don't say you're only 12 but you're super mature, it just makes you sound like a brat that thinks he/she is advanced. Be modest and let them decide how mature you are by the way you act. Also, don't say 12 and a half or give your birthday. If your 12, you're 12, if your 17, you're 17.

      Also, adding extra criteria may be more laboring, but the prize might be worth it. Just simple stuff like your background and some personal info (Again, don't brag and overstate, just tell a little more about you.)

      Remember that if they ask for your previous admin info, they probably don't want to hear "I was admin on 10 of my friends 4 slot hamachi server's." Personally, if its hamachi, I would prefer you just put yes, if its a 10 slot and over PUBLIC server then that's when you can give the number, position and name of the server.

      Above all, (a) don't be a dick on your app by not saying your better then someone else's app or doing anything stupid against other people/staff. That will just start a huge flame war significantly risking your chances of being staff. and (b) Use common sense. If you lack that, you don't stand a chance. and (c), be honest. Maybe you'll get away with it for the first few days if you are accepted, but when they find out, it won't end well.

      Here's a example of my Ideal app:

      What position are you aiming for?
      Preferably Moderator, though, I would take a lower ranked position if offered.


      Maturity Level
      6.5/10: I love the common jokes, I have fun with what I do, I curse, and do a lot of stupid things, though I am serious when the matter requires me to do so.

      Why should we except you?
      I love the minecraft community, even though it is harsh at times and I am harsh at it sometimes, but I still enjoy helping it. I like building creations for the good of the community and for my own enjoyment. I don't rage, if I were to leave, I would say my goodbyes and demote myself, not blow the server up first, and I see myself as a good member of your team.

      Previous experience?
      I have been staff on a few of my friends server and I had a admin position on NameYourServerHereCraft, a 30 slot public server hosted by CreeperHost in the UK. It was successful and had alot of players per day, but I didn't like the way the owners were treating the problems (letting the the staff members do all the work and then having them take all the credit) and I didn't like the fact that the chose the worst staff members possible, almost of all of them corrupt. I was also a Mod on ExampleCraft, a small 15 slot which usually had 9 users on avg. and 1-2 staff on at one time. It was a fun community but was shut down do to lake of time and lack of good staff (most of them were leaving because they wanted to become staff on a bigger server and they couldn't picture the server growing) By ChaseJoles thank you
    2. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
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      Thank you so much for taking the time to apply for staff on Mineverse.
      Unfortunately you don't meet the requirements for staff at this time. We encourage you to read the requirements needed and take some time to get to know the community here on forums.

      Feel free to fill out an application in the future.
      Volunteers are always needed.
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