---[] Intro []--- Hello, Delta here and I have a few suggestions for staff applications [NOTE: These suggestions are for more then just Mod Applications!] This is quite a long thread but please still read through the whole thing and not just the suggestions that interest you. ---[] Suggestion 1 >> More Staff Ranks []--- I think that apart from the fact we need more staff members, we need more staff ranks. This would will for more people to apply and more people to make to to the staff team. I actually have two rank suggestions regarding this topic. 1 - Guard Bring back the opportunity for people to apply just for Guard. But a twist with guard this time, is they would be a guard for OpPrison and Prison. OpPrison has low mods and I think it's time to get more. Also a lot of people use contraband items when Mods aren't online. 2 - Trial Mod this rank has been added to .net and .org but not to MV. Trial mods are just like normal Mods. But they are just having a try at it to see if they are willing to become a Global Mod. This is an optional rank and if you apply for [Global] you wouldn't have to go through trial. ---[] Suggestion 2 >> Country Prefix []--- This has been added to .net and .org too. This makes it so when you create a Mod App it will show a little prefix of what country you're from. So if you're from Australia you'd select the prefix. This is the thread Cypriot made on .net regarding this. http://www.skyblock.net/threads/moderator-applications-thread-prefixes.90690/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is the link towards the thread. When you create your application and post it the little prefix would look like this. ---[] Suggestion 3 >> Filter []--- I also recommend a filter on the Mod App page. The filter would have a prefix option, [Name] or [Country] by selecting the country prefix you'd have to type up either AUS, UK, USA, CAN, OTHER and only applications of that country would appear. With name, you'd have to search up the players Forums name and then it will pop up with their application. ---[] Outro >> Support-o-Meter []--- Thnx 4 Reading! I am sorry this was quite a long suggestion(s). ------------------------- Support-o-Meter this will measure all the supports, no supports and neutrals, plus what for what. Spoiler: Support-o-Meter All ------------- None ------------- Suggestion 1 & 2 ------------- Suggestion 2 & 3 ------------- Suggestion 1 & 3 ------------- Suggestion 1 ------------- Suggestion 2 ------------- Suggestion 3 ------------- Other -------------
Suggestion 1: Support, I do think we need more staff members such as the guard for people who only want to moderate on our prison servers. The trial mod would be a good idea to have to see if the person is worthy enough. Suggestion 2: support, it would make it easier. Suggestion 3: isn't this kinda like #2? I just had a cool idea of having like your rank if you have one under your name when you post something. Like Itssniiper Active member God
I don't like the idea of being very similar to Skyblock. For suggestions 2 and 3 I'm neutral. For suggestion 1, I don't feel the guard rank is needed. It's the same reason why mod-on-2-servers was removed; so as to be able to help players globally. Your second point in suggestion 1 is to implement trial mod. We staff already have that, just that trials don't get the tag. I don't think its really necessary. Overall no support for suggestion 1.
Thnx Okay :( I understand. This has been suggested many times before (I've done it myself) but it's really hard to do I believe or something like that.