Your in-game name:_MasterToRix What timezone are you in?GBP What country do you live in?Scotland What languages do you speak?English and a little french Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)obs Why do you think you should become a mod?because I see a lot of people always saying hat there is a hacker and being killed by a hacker and I want o prevent that from happening and make the server a better place How long can you be active on the server everyday?3-6h How long have you been playing Mineverse?2days Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)no Do you have any past experience as a moderator?Yes I was a moderation a server called sylventix and I helped make 're map and also ban people Do you meet all Mineverse's requirements for staff listed below? No Do you have 50 Post Count?no Do you have Two Factor Authentication set up?I think so Have you had 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums?no, I just found out they had a website but I would love to help Do you have Skype and Discord for offline communication? Yes
Thank you so much for taking the time to apply for staff on Mineverse. Unfortunately you don't meet the requirements for staff at this time. We encourage you to read the requirements needed and take some time to get to know the community here on forums. Feel free to fill out an application in the future. Volunteers are always needed.