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  • SA Squidy424 Staff App

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Squidy424, Aug 25, 2016.

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    1. Squidy424

      Squidy424 Active Member

      Apr 14, 2016
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      Your Username ) : Squidy424

      Age ) : 13

      Current Rank ) : God

      2FA Enabled= Yes

      Skype or Discord- Skpye= Nathan Lockyer

      What languages can you speak? ) : English, learning French

      What timezone are you in? ) : BST

      How long can you play a week?) :5 days aweek

      Please link any past applications you have posted (if any). ) :

      Your Mineverse Experience:
      Approximately how long have you been playing EndUniverse? )
      : 1 year

      Have you ever been punished on mineverse? If so, when and why? ) : No

      How have you helped the server, if you helped it at all? ) : Joining, plus telling all my friends
      This can be things like donating, telling your friends about the server, etc, playing.


      Why should you become Mod) :

      Being A curious person as many have told me has made me very observant. Being observant is a very BIG part of the job, being as observant as I am if I suspect a player of any abnormal activity(Hacking) I will observe the player and not accuse him/her of anything until I have solid proof.
      Common Sense
      I do have lots of common sense and I am very hard to trick. Dedicated, I am a dedicated person once I set my mind to something I will achieve it or in this situation if I say I will be active, observant, and a great mod I will.

      Respectful I've seen people be disrespectful to me and many others just because they were a higher rank. Putting yourself above others I believe is childish and dumb, so if I do become A moderator I won't think higher of myself I am still a player like everyone.

      Helpful I have been and am A very helpful person. I have seen some past moderators who almost you could say attacked the players (verbally) I remember once asking A moderator for help and he replied with Go Away I'm busy!! (not Mineverse another server) and I was surprised on how he acted. Maybe A new player joined the server and was confused on what to do, so maybe he starts messaging me A lot of questions about the server or what to do I would answer and make sure he understood what to do, there for putting a good impression on the server and its staff making the player want to come and play on the server more often and maybe introduce his friends to the server.
      Best Experience
      Best player Experience being A moderator would allow me to provide the best experience, because I would be able to keep away spammers hackers and others, you might ask how does this provide the best experience this is because if hackers and spammers and rule breakers were allowed to just roam around messing up everything. Players would start leaving the server "saying well if this server doesn't care if rule breakers ruin the game then why should I play".
      Scammers , this problem can be difficult mainly because players need to help with this one, let's say two people are making a deal one person offers dirt and the other person says ill pay you 50k for 64 they both agree the dirt guy gives the dirt, but the other guy didn't pay. Now if the player didn't take a screenshot or record a video of the deal there isn't much I could do this is because if he has no evidence then how can I help but on the other hand if the player did take screenshots or a video then it makes it a whole lot easier this is because there is proof.

      Abuse of power this is one problem that A lot of Owners Co-Owners and Admins have when picking staff the reason there is a problem here is because some staff are known to take control (abuse) their power by maybe muting a player for no reason kicking a player for no reason or maybe their reason was to get a laugh out of it. No matter the reason this isn't allowed even if you did it as a joke kicking or abusing a player in any way without A reason is a big NO!!!

      Ready Why am I so hooked on becoming A moderator.The answer to this is simple I really would like to somehow in any way be a part of Mineverse staff the thought of being able to do this makes me extremely happy, and that is the reason I won't give up,and I feel as if I'm ready to take on this job and all the responsibilities.

      Player Trickery
      Now if A player were to ask me hey can you ban this guy he's being mean to me, obviously the answer would be no banning him for no reason would be an abuse of power. What I would do is ask the guy in what way is he being mean and would you like me to talk to him. If I found out the player was calling him names or cursing then I would give him a warning and tell him Cursing spamming or using inappropriate words can lead to muting (You Have Been Warned).

      I'm very active, around the server, playing GTA (But not many people)

        • Sunday: 3-5hrs
        • Monday 3-5hrs
        • Tuesday 3-5hrs
        • Wednesday 2-5hrs
        • Thursday 3-5hrs
        • Friday 4-6hrs
        • Saturday 6-8hrs
      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? Yes i have a recording device but its broken and im getting a new one.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator: Yes

      Have you been banned? And why? No.

      Thank You All For Reading - Squidy424

      What experiences do you have when it comes to moderating a community? ) : I've been mod on Purple Prison

      In what ways can you positively contribute to the community? ) :Helping new players,friends, answer any questions, help people with any difficulties

      Anything else you would like to add? ) : I get angry very quickly, and spelling Is not good.

      Thank You For Reading- Squidy
      Last edited: Aug 25, 2016
    2. Clones5

      Clones5 Well-Known Member

      Mar 15, 2016
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      Sorry, but I can't decide for now. You don't meet the requirements.
      The requirements:
      • 2FA enabled
      • 50 post count
      • Skype or teamspeak 3
      • Atleast 2 weeks on the forums
      When you meet those, tag me @Blueman05 and I will make my decision. Good luck!
    3. Jenn

      Jenn Well-Known Member

      Nov 5, 2015
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      No support,
      Your god rank doesn't higher the chances of getting the position.
      I don't see you in game nor on forums a lot, You only have one report in.
      You also don't meet all of the requirements,
      I suggest working on your activity both in game and on forums,
      Get some reports in & become well known in the community.
      Good luck!
    4. Tigerz

      Tigerz Boss Member

      Mar 20, 2016
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      What she said ^
    5. Griff

      Griff Well-Known Member

      Jul 12, 2016
      Likes Received:
      No support, reasons stated above.
    6. Terror

      Terror Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2016
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      No support,your new to forums and don't meet the post requirement
    7. Deivid0ze

      Deivid0ze Well-Known Member

      Aug 9, 2016
      Likes Received:
      No support, reasons stated above ;-;
    8. Arabic Bear

      Arabic Bear Well-Known Member

      Sep 25, 2015
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      Sorry, but I have to go with no support.
      • I think you can add more detail to your mod app
      • Do not state your rank as it might lower your chance of becoming a moderator
      • You don't have a lot of reports (just 1 :/)
      • Become more active in-game and on forums
      • Get known in the community
      • I do not think you meet the requirements
      • This is not what a moderator should be. So I do not think you are ready for this position.
      • and finally, you have few grammatical errors, fix them.
    9. speedybuilder100

      speedybuilder100 Experienced Member

      Sep 27, 2015
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      No support
      Nice job you are so ready, you were either to ignorant to read the requirements or you were just to blind...
    10. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      Thread locked for failure to adhere to forum rules and responsibilities.
      If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it.

      Kind regards,
      The Staff
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