Hello, I felt that this needed to be reported, as I placed a sponge down to protect me and my friends' base but it still got griefed. It's not protecting anything, and you can break other people's sponges without any problems. It's really frustrating :/ Also, is griefing allowed on Skygrid? If it's not allowed, I would like to report a grief where someone blocked access to our chests and I can provide screenshots if necessary. Thank you.
I have also experienced this problem. I'm not sure what's going on because the sponges used to work..
Yeah, they were working a while ago when they were first introduced but now other people can grief your protected areas and even break your sponge.
I have never had any of these issues. Every time anyone has came to me asking me why their sponges didn't work I found out that they had miss placed their sponges or unevenly distributed the protected area