I'd like to make this thread to apologize to some people if been disrespectful and rude to. The staff team-Lately I feel like I've been rushing you on my reports by tagging you. I shouldn't be doing this, and should let you take your time. I won't be doing it anymore. _Optifinee-I've just been completely ignoring you in-game and on forums. That's the reason I haven't seen you much online that much anymore, because I've been deliberately going on other servers. Infection community-I was the one that broke the leaves in the infection lobby, and I regret it. I know you can still get up, but I was being a turd at the time and tried breaking blocks and had to tell Cyp I was able to break them. Once again, I sincerely apology for doing all of this. If you recall me doing something disrespectful to you, then just tell me and I'll add it. ~Blueman05
Don't worry! You haven't been rushing us! Its our job to do the reports as fast as we can, especially if the player causing problems is still online.