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  • something serous to talk about

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by arrowflinger, Aug 8, 2016.


    yes we need more moderators and a better anticheat to stop hackers

    1. YES!

      7 vote(s)
    2. NO!

      2 vote(s)
    3. I DONT CARE STOP RANTING! (ok doesn't have to sound that mean)

      2 vote(s)
    1. kinsey_kid

      kinsey_kid Developer Developer Premium

      Aug 4, 2014
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      Why doesnt cyp promote more people? Because very few people prove themselves to be trust worthy and that they have the servers best interests at heart. Even with the system we have of promoting new moderators now there are still some people that abuse their power and that can have catastrophic effects.

      Why don't we get a better anti-cheat? A good anticheat plugin would ban anybody whom it suspected of hacking and there would be NO CHANCE to appeal it because there would be no evidence. The way we have it now is the fairest way it can be, If you are banned you are allowed to appeal. Also do you not realise how much money that would cost? I heard that one of the famous PVP servers anti-cheat plugins costs well over $30,000, this may or may not be true. That is the equivalent of 120 people purchasing titan and even then that doesn't account for maintenance of the plugin and the server itself, Server hosting isn't free.

      So yeh if you want an amazing anti-cheat plugin then put your hands in your pockets and help pay for it also don't expect to have the ability to appeal bans anymore.

      Moderators work their socks off, Thats putting it politely, then we get absolutely bashed by players. That is in no way fair. Cut us some slack, there are under 30 of us and that's including seniors and staff managers. If we were going to have a mod on every server 24/7 we would need over 100 moderators and that is assuming each mod was on for 4 hours straight, that just isnt possible.

      Honestly what we need is for you guys to report hackers, If you reports hackers then the amount of hackers on the server is reduced, surprise surprise, it also shows us that you are dedicated to the server and that then gives us more people we can promote from.

      As someone has already said, I believe it was random, there are tons of this type of thread, we get it you are annoyed but there is nothing we can do.

      @arrowflinger I am sorry that you lost your P4 set and If I could get it back for you then I would be there isn't anything I can do so I'm sorry.

      Finally I think this is a suggestion of some sort so as someone said above I have moved it.
      Last edited: Aug 26, 2016
    2. Insolar

      Insolar Well-Known Member

      Mar 18, 2015
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      so this is how u get messages so quickly A+ bait my dude
    3. Arabic Bear

      Arabic Bear Well-Known Member

      Sep 25, 2015
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      Just report the hackers if no moderators are on :/ but I understand your suggestion.
    4. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
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