Sorry for poor quality video I couldn't use my better screen recorder b/c it take a long time to load. Please ban this player he is very annoying and everyone knows that.
Kind of want a second opinion of this. I'm pretty sure I see it but I want to be positive. @fryzigg , think you could help? skip to 5:37
******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Its too laggy and within the time period, it looks like the knockback was a late delay. When he got hit you can see a little knockback it was just a late delay. If he hit him while standing still. It could be easier to tell.
********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************8 That's what I kind of thought. I guess I'll ask him for more evidence.
Do you have anymore evidence? As this video is very laggy and I can not tell if it is indeed anti-knockback or delay in knockback due to lag.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.