Support, I just hate it when there's no reward for winning a game. There should also be a buy limit as a lot of people buy so much stuff in the shop and ruin the game for everyone
Support, but a lot of people vote simply for /kit skyknight so they might not vote if they buy the unlimited one. <\3
Neutral. I feel like gods or any rank spent money to get a advantage in these games and spending that money would be a waist if everyone could get money like this. What I am saying is that...the rewards should be set up differently than that.
I don't like the way you decided to make the price of everything, and the way you set up the money rewards... But I think there should be money rewards/buyable kits. Support for the idea, but not the way it's set up.
Support on rewards. No support on buying kits. skylord is too Op, every titan who plays skywars would have that kit...