Skywars is great i love playing that game mode it is the most unique of all skywars servers I've played. I do have some suggestions that would make the server better all around. 1. Get rid of the lava map. This map is the embodiment of garbage. Middle and islands are too far away making it impossible stall fest. 2. Add lapis as a chest item. pretty simple only 1 map has lapis so its impossible to enchant on any other map. 3. Start working on some more maps. The maps are pretty good all-around but we need more. 4. Make eggs and snowballs rarer and maybe only in the middle. 5. Have staff be on more. The amount of hackers is absurd heck ill apply for staff just so someone who plays skywars a lot is on and can help people who are dealing with hackers Just some suggestions for my favorite skywars server
Having god apples be $5 is also a bunch of bs. It’s a free win, and wins give you $10. The shop all around really needs to be rebalanced. I agree with all your points. Support.
Well I agree with all your points and sorta the staff part, There's a report section on forums where you can report hackers, you could also tag @mods in our disc server but I can see how it can be annoying if you die by a blatant cheater and they don't get banned until a staff member reads the report. Support
Agreed, I've experienced a countless amount of games with hackers on Skywars. However, you may report the issues you observe. Additionally, the loot - the cost for it in the shop (/shop) may be insanely low causing people to abuse this to victory. Every win is equivalent to $10 in-game cash and that will be easily abused. Support.
I played for ten days and racked up 350 wins and 1800 kills. Basically, it costs $10 to buy a diamond chestplate, diamond legs, and an ender pearl. I would immediately pearl to the center (where you likely will find several other enderpearls), and I’d end up winning 75% of the time. Each kill is $1, and I usually would get 3-5 kills per game. Eventually, I’d find more optimal ways of abusing the /shop to find cheaper ways to win consistently. It’s insanely broken.
Indeed, I recently joined grinding the gamemode and had around 500 dollars, to begin with. As soon as I figured out I could do /shop I won a game within 5 minutes of the game beginning. It was quite irritating for others and it's insanely over powered.
Oh definitely. It got to the point where people would see me join their game and would just disconnect. I have been called a hacker, had people group together in an “I hate Sniff club”, and some would try and combat it by buying like 5 god apples. It’s not a fun experience for anyone involved.
Support ofc. Also add XP bottles for enchanting. I agree with removing the lava map, its super annoying to play on there. ^^they should definitely put higher prices on some of the items in shop.
Support, yeah the shop is pretty broken with its prices. It would also be a great idea to add lapis & XP bottles for enchants but maybe make it so that these items can only be found in mid.
Closing. With the addition of a new Skywars forums and Discord we will no longer be accepting Skywars suggestions on this forum anymore. If you are still wanting to suggest these ideas then you may do so on the new website.