Hi, I was just wondering if many of the items in skywars /shop werent working for anyone else either. If anyone knows anything about this, is there an estimation on when it will be fixed? THX!
I know that TNT cannon is not working, neither is the explosive arrow working. I don't know about fire/poison arrows nor any other things you can buy there.
Ya, i just tested it out, heres a list of whats not working: Fire/Explosive/Poison Arrows, Land Mine, TNT Cannon, Black Hole, Singularity and Singularity+. Seems like all of the special items.
hey paskov! haven't seen you in a while... anyway yeah the /warp shop stuff isn't working for me either...
I've seen a lot of people complain about this, and I'm not sure if they are aware... I'll try to inform when I can anyway.