Ok, right after I heard skywars.com was now apart of mineverse, I thought it wouldn't be bad... except I did not have my 50$ donor rank. But then, I got my rank, and thought that it was all okay. But my "elite" rank did not have anything other than "/kit elite" which gives you 100$ in game per day. And that's all there is to ranks premium-god. Such a ripoff... But not only that, when you win a game, you receive 0$, and when you lose, you lose 0$. My suggestion is, I would like there to be a way to get money other than voting or using your in real life money on a rank. Please don't make us pay/vote for getting skybucks! And also, make the ranks more worth it by adding more permission, because it just makes the skywars server's rank just a ripoff. Thank you for reading.
Support, totally destroyed skywars by merging the two together, I feel really bad for the Skywars.com players. my condolences