So I was Playing Skywars and suddenly there are two people Me Alex5060 and LennyKenny007 " The Hacker" so LennyKenney007 builds a Skybase and suddenly I go up and with bow and arrows i make a couple of shots, then he got scared and Flew from one side to the other side of the map without ender pearling just flying randomly to the other side and I Alex5060 was like (What just Happened) so I tell in chat that LennyKenny007 is using Flying Hacks and everybody is like yes he did the same in my game bla bla bla. At the end I build to his island make some arrows shot and he just rage quited and dint saw him online, After the game ended.
Can you please correct this report? This is the format that is used
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.