Hello I'm KINGFI5HTY and today I am going to be bringing you my latest build. This is a Skywars Map that I call Garden. I hope that you like this map, if you have any suggestions or feedback then I would love to hear it. So let's begin. - My In-game Name/ Team - This map was made by me KINGFI5HTY [No Build Team] - Map Name - This map is called " Garden " - Gamemode for Map - This map was made for Skywars. - Description of Map - This map is made for 4 players. -Islands- Each island has a total of 2 chest. Above you have 2 trees and 3 melons. Underneath you have your mine which has items such as a furnace, workbench, iron, gold and diamonds. -Middle- The center is surrounded by oak leaves and water, once you pass through you will have access to 4 chest. Surrounding the 4 chest you have oak leaves and when you break them you can enter the enchant room and right under that there is a mine with iron, gold, diamonds and lapis. - Screenshots / Recordings - This is a video of the map: This is the map: This is the players island and under that is the mine that comes with it. Here is the center and under that we have the enchant room. - More Information - This is my first Skywars map that I have ever created. I hope that you enjoy this. If you do want to chose this map then I will be more than glad to make a download link for it. Tell me what you think about this map by posting a comment. ~ KING Supports: 12 Neutral: 0 No Supports: 0
If they are all not equal to mid like how far away it is then no support If they all are then support