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  • Skywars.com Server

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Jorge Dx Master, Dec 28, 2013.

    1. Jorge Dx Master

      Jorge Dx Master Active Member

      Oct 29, 2013
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      I post this thread because there isn`t an official forum for this server and because the owners of it are the same the Mineverse Server :).
      My ingame name is JorgeDxMaster
      Since the 1.7 update skywars server changed a lot.
      There are problems in the server:

      -Vips can`t use their special commands.
      -Items bought in shop dissapear(it means that it is just a waste of skybucks).
      -The chat IS a disaster.
      -A game does not start until it reach the maximum amount of players(7). The bad thing is that "trolls" quit the game before of 1-5 seconds when the game is going to start, causing the reset of it and is quite anoying.
      -There is a bug of "unlimited items" that consists of placing and removing the chests in a game, and magicly sometimes the chest would have items in it, is so abused.
      -Unable to access normal commands.

      Please guys, we need that you fix it, there are less people now, the server is awesome but it needs to be fixed.
      Thanks for reading, I hope you fix it and keep a good work :)
      Oh yeah, someone hacked the chat promoting a server: Saturday 28 December 2013 19:17 UTC-7:00
      2013-12-28_19.19.17.png 2013-12-28_19.19.36.png 2013-12-28_19.19.41.png 2013-12-28_19.20.24.png 2013-12-28_19.20.27.png 2013-12-28_19.20.31.png 2013-12-28_19.20.53.png 2013-12-28_19.20.56.png 2013-12-28_19.21.01.png 2013-12-28_19.21.31.png
      Last edited: Dec 28, 2013
    2. peng74725

      peng74725 Active Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      the green things listed are quite true

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