I just recently got a sponge in SkyGrid, but is there any way to add someone to the protection? Thanks. -football2829
As of now. No. :( I have the same problem, but I have heard from someone else, that Cyp or Crew are looking into it...
I really support this idea, my friends wants to play Skygrid with the sponge for protection and for people not to grief there. I recently been griefed and I didn't place my sponge down because my coop can't break, place, open chests, and etc. if I place it down. Although you can make a room for trade and put a sponge in the middle so they can't destroy anything when you trade. :D
you can either quote them by clicking on the "reply" button, or doing @ and the person's name such as: @pokemaniac01 and It links him too it
@jarroyonaples wow I am so dumb, should've known that. Do you earn that thing that you have that looks like the achievement get thing?
no you can make your own ehhmmm I forgot the website, I think its somewhere on my moderator app though, poke posted It