I don't know how but I had my chest locked, someone some how found my island & possibily had a mod break the sign & said it was their island, All of my stuff is in this, though I can open it, I need to move the chest & some random player claimed it as theres though I can also open it, can a mod please come on Skygrid right now and tp to me or tpa? I really need this unlocked as I placed the chest, which it was rude for him to lock it himself, I don't even know him. @MrParkourGuy @pokemaniac01 @mineterria @Laura_or_is_it @Edward Ray @Pile_of_Butts @Troy @rachetclanks @Gwism @Xelnagahunter @KatoKillsMyGPA Just tagged all the mods anyway :p
Hmm, maybe test with a tnt above it and make sure you wont fire it and everything explode just the chest it Will probably blow up your chest and you can take the stuff and make a new one;)