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  • NEW! Skyblock Update - 1.19.2!

    Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Noobcrew, Dec 28, 2022.

    1. Noobcrew

      Noobcrew Server Owner Server Owner

      Oct 11, 2013
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      Skyblock has now been updated to 1.19.2!

      This update has been in the works for a very long time and with the introduction of new blocks, items, and mobs, we have also made many improvements to the gameplay and economy!

      There likely will be many bugs, please report any issues, bugs, exploits, missing permissions, typos, etc you may experience as it will help us improve the server even more: https://forums.mineverse.com/forums/bugs-exploits.28/

      Here are some of the new features below:
      • Tons of core functions of our unique Skyblock plugin enhanced for 1.19.2.

      • The island creation and reset process received experimental changes aiming to heavily improve its performance.

      • Players will be able to sit on stairs/slabs (by right clicking them) and anywhere on the floor by using /sit.

      • Our old alternate redstone algorithm will be replaced with a new one with similar performance benefits, this new system will hopefully further improve the compatibility with some vanilla redstone contraptions. This will not affect the current redstone limit.

      • We replaced the old, outdated, bartender system with a new one. This change is still experimental and we might replace the updated one with a new, more exciting, system in the future. For the time being the new bartender will no longer feature a gambling mechanic and instead each drink will provide fixed potion effects.

      • We are adding a scoreboard that will display useful and updated info like your current island level, the amount of money you own and your challenges progress. The displayed info will change based on the island you are currently on.

      • Adjusted the mob spawning system which should result in much better mob spawn rates, especially animals, which will now spawn much more frequently than before. The changes also affect the the mob limit which will now scale based on the amount of players that are currently online. Most of the typical vanilla spawn rules still apply so make sure that you have enough space and the proper light level.

      • The ClearLag plugin has been removed and will be replaced with a faster, more natural system. Stacks on the ground will now merge if possible (bypassing the stack size limit) and will get removed after a certain amount of time, more common items might de-spawn sooner than others.

      • The old Pets system has been replaced with a new, more modern, system (don't worry you'll still have access to all your pets, however they will need to be re-spawned). The pets are being slowly added to specific ranks and you will see more available for use soon. Pets will also transfer over from other 1.19.2 servers such as Survival and Earth.

      • The old Disguise plugin has been replaced with a new and more modern plugin.

      • The in-game shop (/shop) has been updated and will now sell a bunch of new higher version items and blocks. Some new items will be added to the store in the upcoming weeks, we need to make sure some items are adequately priced and balanced.

      • Naturally spawned mobs will no longer stack, this will improve the overall performance because stacked mobs only count as one entity (resulting in countless spawn attempts) and will work hand in hand with our improved mob spawn system resulting in much better animal and monster spawn rates on regular islands with enough space.

      • We adjusted multiple settings to increase the overall performance of entity ticking.

      • The server-sided render distance has been increased meaning that you'll be able to see more chunks around you.
      • A new event limitation system will be tested which will reduce the effectiveness and performance impact of things like flush farms. This should greatly increase the overall performance when a lot of players are online that have their own mob farm.

      • The nether drop rate system has been changed completely, the Fortune enchant will now increase your drop chance rather than the amount of items that will drop. Mainly new players will benefit from this change because we increased the base chance but overall this is a buff for everyone, here is how it'll affect the average drop rates of quartz for example (in comparison to the old Fortune system):

        1. No Fortune: 25% more drops.

        2. Fortune I: 18.6% more drops.

        3. Fortune II: 9% more drops.

        4. Fortune III: 1.6% more drops.

      • A daily quests system has been added that allows you to complete randomly selected quests every day. The quests will reset at a fixed time. For completing said quests you'll receive basic rewards like money and/or items as well as quest points which you can spend in our new quest shop to buy rare and valuable things. Easy quests can be completed rather quick while harder quests might take some time but will grant more and better rewards.

      • During a VoteParty there is a 50% chance (may decrease) that a Vote Party Pinata Llama will spawn at spawn for a fixed duration. The llama will constantly push nearby players away and hitting it will grant you extra rewards up to a per-player limit. It will also constantly drop experience orbs that you can pick up to increase your level. Players that actually play will benefit the most from this addition.

      • At fixed times every day Wandering Traders will spawn at a random spot around the spawn area for 20 minutes. All traders will buy items that you can farm whilst playing like bones, carrots, fish for a much higher price than "/shop" up to a per-player limit. There is also a server wide limit so you might have to hurry if you want to sell your items. Traders will also sell potentially exotic items at random to you based on their type which you can check by looking at the decoration that the trader's llamas are wearing, those items will also have a per-player and server wide sell limit. Mainly new players will benefit from the buy feature because the amount of items that you can sell to the trader is rather low (usually 64 items or less) but you'll get much more money than if you'd sell to "/shop" while players that have been playing for a while might benefit more from the sell feature if they are looking for specific, uncommon, items and blocks. Interacting with a Wandering Trader without buying or selling anything will upset the trader's llamas. (Don't upset the llamas)

      • Crop hoppers definitely changed the way the economy works. They are the by far most effective way to farm and will generate a lot of income for their owners. Whilst being somewhat controversial the introduction of crop hoppers was a necessary change that heavily improved the economy server's performance. We are not fully satisfied with the current state of the crop hoppers and are going to adjust the way crop hoppers work:

        1. Crop hoppers will now automatically replant wheat seeds and will no longer collect them.
        2. The item yield can now be modified which allows us to make better balancing changes.
        3. You will now have to pay taxes for every active crop hopper you own per Minecraft day (so every 20 minutes). The tax amount per crop hopper is currently calculated as: (3.0 * (tier * 2.0)). All the taxes collected this way will be added to the next lottery base prize pool.
        4. Crop hopper prices will change: T1 10k -> 20k, T2 30k -> 50k, T3 50k -> 80k.
        5. Crop hoppers will now instantly sell the items they collect if their owner is online and the affected chunks are loaded.

      • We are adding an experimental dynamic pricing system that affects the /sell prices. The prices will change depending on how often that specific item gets sold in comparison to all other items that get tracked. The system will not only potentially decrease the value of items that the majority of the players sell but it will also increase the value of unpopular items over time. There will be an upper and lower limit so an item can't be worthless or worth too much. This is of course a really big and experimental change so we'll see how it goes and if it'll stay in its current form.
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    2. boba

      boba Retired Administrator Discord Leader Premium

      Jul 24, 2020
      Likes Received:
      tysm crew! this is awesome
    3. inh

      inh Discord Moderator

      Jun 19, 2022
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      interesting (new) play dynamics, and a welcome at addressing/including the new items that come with 1.19.2
    4. luka : )

      luka : ) Established Member It's My Birthday!

      May 8, 2022
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      gg on update! how exciting : D
    5. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
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      thanks crew!
    6. Malik Shahid

      Malik Shahid Established Member

      Jun 27, 2022
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      Impressive dedication.
    7. lilcupcakefreak

      lilcupcakefreak Active Member

      Oct 11, 2019
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      Finally a 1.19 skyblock, I guess we're moving to mineverse for a while :embarrassed:

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