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  • Skyblock tutorial

    Discussion in 'Help' started by Conorlally, Nov 3, 2014.

    1. Conorlally

      Conorlally Active Member

      Nov 2, 2014
      Likes Received:
      I have a skyblock tutorial for beginners who don't know how to play skyblock.
      Starting off with commands..
      If you want to create your island do /island
      If you want to restart your island do /is restart
      If you want to have an island home do /is sethome
      If you want to view your island party information type /is party
      If you want to invite a player to your island do /is invite <Name>
      If you want to leave another player's island do /is leave
      If you want to kick/remove player from your island do /is kick <Name>
      If you want to [accept/reject] do /is [accept/reject]
      If you want to another person to take over your island do /is makeleader <Name>
      If you want to warp to another player's island do /is warp <Player>
      If you want to ban or unban a person from your island do /is ban <Player>
      If you want to see the island ranks to /is top
      If you want to get a free sapling do /is sapling

      Voting rewards:

      Hope you enjoy!

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