The new /warp rocky is now open. I will be transitioning to /warp abyss as the shops new name. For now both warps will be operational. Upon arriving in the abyss, you have 6 additional warps you can hop to on the island. These warps and brief descriptions can be found on signs at /warp abyss. On a side note, I'm working through some glitchy shop chests in upperabyss at the moment. If you find something out of stock let me know, chances are I have it but the chest is glitchy. Three satellite shop warps: /warp sunkentemple Here you can find weapons and armor /warp upperabyss This is where you can find most of your skyblock needs /warp lowerabyss Nearly all blocks and appliances available in skyblock for sale Three point of interest warps: /warp overwatch This warp provides a good view of the island /warp biodome The original biosphere on skyblock /warp terrafirma A ground level position that allows you to access the rest of the main island Hope you guys enjoy.
I know @MadiStr3ak . It took forever. Working with water is not a lot of fun lol. You going to perv me @Pile_of_Butts ?