Please see this google document. We gathered opinions and suggestions from a lot of SkyBlock players especially those who are threatening to leave the server. Please click here to see the document. @Noobcrew @CypriotMerks @WinterWaffles @Prins545 @SwagMasterLogen @OhhBlaze @kriziarawr @h0useatriedes
Yell YEAH :D Support Support Support Support!!!!!!! :D :° :p ^_^ @Butfa @Hotnikki @Cheetahburger @Wagonwheelgirl @Skyblock people @rabf75 @jakelstraya @CountryGirl_
Support :p But I think it's a lot of pressure for one mod to look after one gamemode (if that's what you meant) so maybe have a couple, from different tome zones? Also there are a lot of gamemodes already, and there is already towny in the works so adding another gamemode might be a bit much. @iTzLevisFFS @TADS4 @Marcore @Jhow
I think the nether should be enabled for at least 2-3 minutes. If it causes any lag, it could take up to a minute for some players just to get through the portal.
1) Changing spawners - Full support. This needs to be fixed. 2) Minecart clear lag issue - Are you referring to clear lag taking away minecarts? If so, support. 3) Anti hack plugin - Going with neutral for I am unfamiliar with this plugin. If it's the one we had in the past, no support. (The one we had in the past would falsely kick players, overall terrible plugin.) Mods for specific gamemodes - No support. I see the reasoning behind wanting this back again... But the thing is, there are some gamemodes that many mods will not choose to moderate. Also, if there are some mods online, and there's an issue on a server that no one chose to moderate; no one can help. Creating a megawalls game - No support. Hardly ever a time where one gamemode has 100 players on, if it's ever happened. Nether on skyblock for 60 seconds - Neutral. I don't think this would ever happen. If it were to happen, I think it would have to be announced when this occasion would occur, so that many players wouldn't miss out. Also would be a very chaotic 60 seconds. Of course though, I think it would be very nice to bring some nether items into skyblock.
Everything this post says. There is also the head duping in skyblock,though it might be impossible to fix.