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  • Skyblock Spartan nature

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Stayen_er_Metuar, Nov 19, 2013.

    1. Stayen_er_Metuar

      Stayen_er_Metuar Active Member

      Nov 19, 2013
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      So, as soon as I started Skyblocking, I understood the game will be quite dull.

      First, the tree begot no saplings, one of wooden logs fell off to Void (rather hard to avoid). There's no markets/shops available, nor there were any players that could (or noticed at all) pay attention to the plead.

      Perhaps 'admin shop' could be of some use? Selling saplings, lava/ice could help somewhat.

      However, if all Skyblockers have is what's in the initial chest and derivatives, there's little interesting remaining.

      Soon remaining 6 wooden sticks will end up (as pcikaxes), and the character will have to leave on its island forever, growing pumpkins and melons, watching sunrise and sunset and building bridge out pumpkins - just to find itself something to do...

      Perhaps you could add '/kit Sapling', just to make dull period shorter?

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