After the recent update to 1.8, there are some items over on Skyblock that are not working as they were before the patch. I would simply like to confirm if it is a bug or intended behavior. A small summary of the two notable changes are below. Players unable to kill mobs on another players island This is nice on some fronts as players cannot kill your villagers and such, but it completely kills mod grinders and pig spawners for use by non-island members. Players unable to interact with doors/redstone This is a more pressing issue as it prevent players from being able to use pressure plates to open doors for various "shops" on the server. Some shops are unusable currently until the players can remove the doors, or the player can use /jump. Any insight on the above two behavior would be awesome so that I can plan going forwards. Thanks, Melgrath
The first is intended but I'm not really sure about the second as redstone is part of auto-farms and doors are part of islands/builds/shops.