Greetings! Currently the behavior on these spawners is a bit...sporadic. That being said, the way to change these items is to place the spawner down, then use a spawn eggs on the spawner to change it. Some spawn eggs do not appear to work, so you may ask the community in-game which players have had luck with. Personally speaking, I have seen Mooshroom, Witch, Ghast, Pigmen, Sheep, Horse and Ocelot. It appears that Cows have been unsuccessful (I used 3 eggs to test, took the eggs, but did not update the spawner) Using eggs on spawners is kind of an "At your own risk" type thing, as if it fails, it will take the egg but not update the spawner. Hopefully this answers your question, but let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns. Cheers, Melgrath