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  • Skyblock Island Levels

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by xPROxDAWGx, Oct 17, 2020.

    1. xPROxDAWGx

      xPROxDAWGx Established Member

      Oct 17, 2020
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      Is there a comprehensive list of block values for island levels for skyblock? Also, how often are island levels updated? Thank you in advance!
    2. clxrity

      clxrity dev Developer Premium

      Nov 7, 2015
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      There is no official list anywhere but things of higher value (diamond blocks, iron blocks, beacon, ect.) do increase your island level by a substantial amount. Blocks that don’t increase much are things like cobblestone & wood. Basically, you can count on how much a block will increase your island level for the most part by it’s price (but considering the economy fluctuates from the beginning, it can’t be entirely “this block costs more so it must increase my level more”).
      Placing a lot of grass or sand will also increase your level.
      As soon as you run the command /is level the results should be accurate. Someone correct me if I’m wrong about that, but I’m pretty sure it updates immediately.

      I’m actually curious as well to know more about which blocks have higher level value so if any skyblock players see this pls reply with more info.
    3. xPROxDAWGx

      xPROxDAWGx Established Member

      Oct 17, 2020
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      So, there actually is a default value list for blocks base island level values, you can google it. I have seen some servers in the past modify it, which is why I ask.

      Secondly, /island level does display your current island level, however it does not update immediately. I have not been able to determine how frequently it updates, and there are times when the island level even displays old data after running the command a second time. Something I used to do on other skyblock servers was consistently check my progress using /island level to determine for myself if the server was using the default block-island level values by placing a substantial amount of 1 kind of block, observing the increase in island level, then switching the kind of block I placed but then place the exact same amount of blocks and run /island level again to observe which block gave more, less, or equivalent island levels.
    4. Sando3

      Sando3 Tom Holland Premium

      Sep 21, 2015
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      I'll leave my notes from 2018 on the block values I systematically found. Keep in mind that some of these may be changed or slightly incorrect due to miscalculations. Skyblock has only had the jar updated once (spring 2020), but the update didn't seem to change much level-wise. /is level also has a pretty big cooldown. It's like 30 or 60 min.

      Also keep in mind that these notes were made 6 months before I got mod - so me posting these does not make the values any more correct or valid than if someone else posted their research.

      Slime block = 0.1 [after 20 slime blocks are placed - the first 20 count as 0 for some reason?]
      Note blocks = 0.1
      Jukebox = 0.1

      Brick = 0.05
      Brick stairs = 0.05
      Packed ice = 0.05
      Iron pressureplate = 0.05
      Grass = 0.05
      Mycelium = 0.05

      Podzol = 0.02
      Dirt = 0.02
      Coarsed dirt = 0.02
      Gravel = 0.02
      Netherbricks = 0.02
      Netherbrick stairs = 0.02
      Stonebricks = 0.02
      Stonebrick stairs = 0.02
      Chiseled stonebrick = 0.02
      Cracked stonebrick = 0.02
      Mossy stonebrick = 0.02
      Mossy cobblestone = 0.02
      Torch = 0.02

      Fence = 0.01 [ALL]
      Wall = 0.01 [ALL]
      Wool = 0.01 [possibly ALL]
      Wooden pressureplate = 0.01
      Logs = 0.01 [ALL]
      Sand = 0.01
      Sandstone = 0.01
      Sandstone stairs = 0.01
      Red sand = 0.01
      Red sandstone = 0.01
      Red sandstone stair = 0.01
      Quartz = 0.01
      Quartz stairs = 0.01
      Stone = 0.01
      Cobblestone stairs = 0.01
      Wood = 0.01
      Wood stairs = 0.01 [ALL except acacia which are 0.011]
      Slab = 0.01 (both singular and double) [ALL except red sandstone slabs which are 0]

      Stone pressureplate = 0
      Golden pressureplate = 0
      Chest = 0
      Painting = 0
      Cobblestone = 0
      Iron ore = 0
      Redstone ore = 0
      Coal ore = 0
      Path dirt = 0
      Ice = 0
      Water = 0
      Vine = 0
      Magma block = 0
    5. xPROxDAWGx

      xPROxDAWGx Established Member

      Oct 17, 2020
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      Thank you for contributing those notes Sando3!

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