NOTE: Cypriot and the dev team if you are already making this then great job you thought ahead of time! Hello everyone! I have a suggestion or a resurrection. My suggestion is bring back the setting panel for islands and maybe an updated version of it, here's how I think it would work well: Type /settings and a GUI opens up with items named: teleport to island, set island visitor spawn point, set member island spawn point, trusted players list, island settings Trusted players: lists all trusted players, you may find after a while you've forgotten who you've trusted and may realise you have trusted someone a while ago who you don't like any more or trust anymore. Teleport to island: teleports you to your island. Set island visitor spawn point: sets spawn point for where visitors will teleport when they visit your island. Set island member spawn: sets spawn point for where you and your island mates will teleport when teleporting to island. Island settings ( this is the fun part! ): settings may enclude: pvp off / on ( foreign players aka visitors will have to turn on their pvp to deal damage from other players, although if their pvp is off they may not deal damage to others, island members can also damage other members if they have pvp on, there may be a command needed for this to work without traps and abuse) lock /unlock island visitor item pickup off/on ( I find this very annoying when player goes to my shop then uses /ej to teleport through the wall and pick up all my cobblestone I'm mining) mob spawning on / off animal spawning on/off also in some shape or form being able to select areas and enable different settings there enable / disable nether ( in the nether maybe make an island generate like from hellblock. Visitors can open doors on / off Visitors can use buttons on / off Visitors can trigger pressure plates When you create and island a GUI should come up enabling you to choose your biome. Also my friend tried to make a squid farm and they didn't spawn ( his island was an ocean biome ) I think squids should be enabled. And I'm not sure what other players thoughts are on this but I would like /Setwarp back. . . Let me know your thoughts on this, but I think it will help with many things like allowing them to run a shop when offline. Now one more thing! I would like you to be able to have more than one /sethome so we can sethome for our shop, cobblegen, second island ( if it's locked ), and farm ect. . . ect. . . And that's about it! I may have forgotten some stuff or come up with new ideas and I will add them to this thread! Thanks so much for reading!!! Support or no support? I think we need this for the server as it would be helpful and make island business and building a lot easier! NOTE: you don't have to support all of this because this is a lot covered in this post but just say what you do and don't support in the comments and I will change the thread accordingly! EDIT: added c o l o u r s !
Support And before anyone says the Island pvp in/off, abused such as tp trapping, anything can be abused, moderators commands can be abused. Just remember, before you to to anyone, get recording software such as ect.
Ty bro <3 and when I say pvp I mean 1 player hits another and then damage is applied to them but foreign players still do not deal lava damage, drowning, cacti spikes, mob damage ect and the visitor has to turn on their pvp to allow to be hit ( so basically only 1v1 )
Support for the GUI > No support for the warps idea though, if people can set their island spawn point then there shouldn't really be a need for /warp, as people can just leave their island unlocked