I emailed like twice and they replied once, they said "skyblock is having issues, apologies" well My sister is a Titan and they didn't explain but only tell us "Apologies" My sister can't play skyblock like so long and we are tired of this
@NoMoreSanity @Cotner @BlackZone @MaxNinja10 @Janice999 @PandaBear__ @Exstatisfy @Alex @Nightfire @Payable
Not as in spam. But as in emailing them in a regular interval. Such as, maybe once every 2 days or so.
And also, @NoMoreSanity My sister is a Titan rank and she can't do /disguise or any human pet on any servers, is it broken, or is that a lie?
I believe you already have a thread open on this? @Alex @NoMoreSanity http://www.mineverse.com/threads/internal-error.83817/#post-903012
But guys I wanna ask that I saw some threads and someone said that if they changed their name back to original it would fix it, should it do it :P