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  • [Skyblock] Icyblocks3 [Beefy] [Banned] [Pranking, Trolling & Disrespecting]

    Discussion in 'Reports: Banned' started by Bananurz, Aug 24, 2014.

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    1. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      1. Bananaman11223
      2. Icyblocks3
      3. This user was going to make this deal with me for a beacon for 150 irl money. He went through a "Prank process" for 45 mins while I scrambled to contact administrators and mods. I got answers. Then what do you know. "This was all a joke". Is this BS allowed on MV. Have we turned into a pranking world of losers. Im pretty sure this is not allowed. It was rude and disrespectful to me as I wasted 45 mins finding answers and solutions. He was extremely rude in this whole situation. I would've never done all this work for a guy was trying to prank me all along. Mods is this allowed anyways? He's posting it on youtube. Yay now Mineverse is turing into a prank state. Extermiante the bad nuts like icyblocks3 and mineverse will be back to normal. BEWARE and one else if the user icyblocks3 tries to make a deal with you DONT do it. I don't know who his next victim is going to be but watch out. [He eventually gave the beacon back but this is still rude and unacceptable]


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    2. bnraiff

      bnraiff Well-Known Member

      May 12, 2014
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      "Sorry For Posting"
      @Icyblocks3 You said this in your past ban appeal:
      As bad as the spelling was, you said you were TRUSTWORTHY and a GOOD PERSON. This is not good, nor trust worthy of you to prank someone with something that valuable.
      I Hope your "H1lari0us tr000ling vid!!!4" gets Disliked into oblivion.
    3. Grayson

      Grayson Well-Known Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned.
      This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
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