Hello Islanders! Today I would like to share with you information on how you can level up your Island. First, the Island Level command takes all the blocks on your island, converts them into points, and updates your level with it. Every 100 points will increase your level. The below are some block points from a fresh Skyblock plugin. These could of changed, but this is as how I can remember them as. Point WorthBlock 300Diamond Block 150Gold Block, Enchantment Table 10Obsidian, Iron Block 5Bookshelf, Jukebox 33 Clay, Grass, Ice, Mycelium, Nether Brick 2Stone Brick, Bricks, Wool, Sandstone, End Stone, Brick Stairs, Stone Slab(Double), Glass 1Everything else... Tips on helping your island level Every diamond block will give you 3 levels. But how will that help you if you just started and don't have these resources? Well, here are some tips to help you obtain/leveling up islands. Trees are a boost to your level. In fact, even the smallest Birch Tree will give 46 island points! If you keep some spare trees around your island, your level will raise. When you're building out your island with cobblestone, and you don't have a whole lot of them, consider crafting them into slabs. Not just having double land expansion, your island leveling also speeds up! Also, as iron farming and gold farming are present; consider spending some time to set up these farms so you can use the mineral blocks for building/decoration and raise your levels. Thanks for reading NEW SYSTEM FOR ISLAND LEVELING (Added 8-4-2013) A player has 1000 stone bricks on their island. The base amount that stone bricks are worth is 2 points. Stone bricks have a scale of 5000. This means that every brick after the 5000th one will add less than the base amount to the island level and bricks before the 5000th will add more than the base value to the island level. 1000 stone bricks * (stone brick point value after diminishing returns is taken into account) / 100 = 30 levels So you can see here that the player actually gains more from this number of bricks with the new system than they did with the old system. However, As the player adds more stone bricks, the amount that each brick add slowly decreases: 2000 stone bricks * (stone brick point value after diminishing returns is taken into account) / 100 = 52 levels 5000 stone bricks * (stone brick point value after diminishing returns is taken into account) / 100 = 100 levels 10000 stone bricks * (stone brick point value after diminishing returns is taken into account) / 100 = 156 levels 100000 stone bricks * (stone brick point value after diminishing returns is taken into account) / 100 = 584 levels So while points can still be gained from massive amounts of one kind of block, time (and space) would probably be better used acquiring different kinds of blocks.
Can someone please help. Not having the command makes the challenge way harder to complete that what it is. Also, there may be other people on the server having the same problem for the same reason. Can someone please fix this command on skyblock?