ABOUT FIRECLAN Fireclan is a Skyblock alliance as well as a Faction (not recruiting faction members just yet). the group name was made by pickled_turnips about a year ago when she first joined Mineverse over the months the name just stuck so now we have decided to make it into a shop alliance cause why not! FIRECLAN POSITIONS Recruit Member Advanced Member Well trusted Senior Moderator x5 (taken)Co-owner: Sunset316 (taken)Leader: pickled_turnips -=-=-=please fill out this application to apply for the Alliance=-=-=- 1. In Game Name: 2. Shop warp: 3. how long do you normally play a day? 4. How long have you been playing Mineverse Skyblock? 5. How old are you? 6. How many players are living on your Skyblock Island? 7. Have you ever been banned/Muted? 8. Are you a good builder? 9. Do you have a rank? 10. Why do you think you should join Fireclan? We hope you decide to join us we are eager for new recruits!