If I type /is help 2, it aint exists. If I type /is help2, Gives me a new island... Wait wut?! Plz fix this and see if more commands lkie this do weird stuff.
Greetings! Some more information on this would be helpful for me to attempt to replicate the issue. Did you have an island prior to attempting the second command? I ask as any command with "/is" in it, if it is an invalid command, will act as if you just typed /is. This means that if you did not have an island already, it would teleport you to a new island as it would for any player. If you already had an island however and it deleted it then dropped you on a new island, that is a much larger issue. Please just let me know any additional details you may have and I will see if I can replicate the issue when I get home tonight. Cheers, Melgrath
Well... /is help 2 is invalid too right? Why it not take u /is then? Or better said, if ur on someone's island and ur like trying to do a command, u go to /is... Can be irritating.