This is ridiculous! There's a glitch on Skyblock that someone showed me a week ago. He showed me that you could (sometimes) break blocks on others' islands, he did it on mine. The past days I've been getting griefed and lost a TONNE of rares. ;c Someone please add this!
Sorry mate, you can no longer /delwarp. When you logoff out of your session, your /setwarp isn't in your permission anymore.
nobody else can get to my islands though, and they patched holes with sand and chiseled stone, so i dont think it was that @AthleticPsycho oh yeah support tho
Luckily I don't have anything of much value placed at my island yet, but I would hate for this to happen to me. Losing something you spent a lot of money on or tried so hard to get would be terrible. I know of a few people it has happened to and it really sucks. Support.