So I decided to change my skin. I changed it and it said "Your skin has been changed." so I go back to mineverse and it hasn't been changed. I want to clarify that on every other server AND on singleplayer, it is changed. I was wondering if this is just a mineverse bug, or if its a mineverse cape issue. I would think it's a problem with my account, but since it works on everything but mineverse, I was wondering if Minverse could be the cause.
I think the capes are an issue with some skins. I've come across some players that their skins work fine after purchasing a cape and then others go back to the generic skin for some reason. I'm not sure of the reason, maybe someone else could tell you why it happens that way.
I think its resolved. It took like an hour after changing it though. EDIT: nvm it only works on opfacs
Well if it's started working on OP facs perhaps it will start working on other servers as well, wait a day and tell us if you still have the issue.