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  • EUR [Singapore] Bantz's Staff Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Bantz, Oct 20, 2016.

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    1. Bantz

      Bantz Boss Member

      Oct 17, 2014
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      Bantz's Staff Application


      Hello, my name is Mo. I've been playing this server for about 3 years and I started playing it again. I'd like to make a new start to this community. I hope you take your time to read this application and leave feedback <3. Please don't look at me from the past, look at me from now :). I've changed a lot these past few months. I have applied before but its been archived because I took a break from Mineverse.​

      Your in-game name?

      My in-game name is PineapplePimp but if I acquire the staff rank I'd like to acquire it on another account for security reasons.

      What timezone are you in?
      My timezone is UTC+8.

      What country do you live in?

      I live in Singapore.

      What languages do you speak?

      I speak fluent Arabic and English and an understanding of Spanish.

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)

      For recording I've got Fraps and for screenshotting I have Gyazo to capture proof.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?

      I am a hard worker. I put in my all and do the best I can to anything and have an amazing work ethic. I never like to slack be and lazy to anything. I've got experience of screensharing and success finding many clients. And being a staff member on many servers. I have experience of using xenforo and have been using teamspeak for a very long time (2 1/2years on teamspeak and started to learn teamspeak developing).
      I have empathy of other players and treat them how I'd like to be treated and being kind and helpful to players whenever they are in need of help e.g. if they're in ts and have a quarrel that needs to be dealt with.
      I love helping people in teamspeak or in-game it makes me feel productive and happy that I've helped someone to whatever they needed.

      My timezone is a rare timezone you'll see especially I found out that you are lacking staff in the AU//ASIA region which is a space I could potentially fill in. As well as whenever I'm on there's a limited amount of staff members online. I am team member and make sure to have respect to every staff member as we are all friends in a staff team and could work wonders if we all work together in harmony. I am also very familiar with commands attached to practice servers so it will be easy for me to pick up on permissions. I am mature and don't act stupid as it humiliates our staff team. Being mature matters as you could rely on a staff member I am a very reliable staff member so I will never do anything against my will, that could possibly inflict badly on the server. I have good eyes and can tell whenever a person is cheating and have fraps and gyazo to take screenshots and record whether its triggerbot, autoclicking, smooth aim or kill aura or even at the least bhopping. I am not bias at all which means I will treat everyone the same and never treat someone differently whether I like or don't like the specific person no matter what I think of them I will still treat the them the same way I would treat my best ever friend.

      I'd like to decrease this "STAFF TP HACKER" and "STAFF MOVE ME IN TS" it can't be ridden but can certainly be decreased. If i acquire the staff rank I will be active at the utmost I can possibly be. I live in a house with my older brothers which means I act maturely to them which also connects to my personality in minecraft. I am never toxic as it shows a bad side of me which I never show. If I am not 100% sure of something I will always make sure to ask one of my fellow peers to make sure I don't do something stupid.

      I am professional and act professional in all situations and don't act stupidly and will take it seriously as acting professional is a huge part of being a staff member. I am productive I never like to waste time whenever I'm online, I like to do something productive instead of doing something useless I should be doing something that actually benefits with me in-game and I like to do things very efficiently. I know how to manage my time correctly and spend an equal amount of time in my real life and on Mineverse in a somewhat active manner which links to me being active. Management is important so you don't get stressed between your education and the server.

      I can bring my integrity and my dedication to make Mineverse an even better server and known for its hard working and wonderful staff team. On these past servers I've been staff on, I've maintained a friendship with mostly everyone there, and cussing eachother at a staff team is something I'd never like to do. I am knowledgeable of things related to staffing. I have an understanding of Spanish and speak fluent Arabic which means I can translate a little bit. I am very relaxed person so whatever happens, however frustrating, I will definitely be able to keep my cool and be able to handle anyone that may have an issue with me. I am very calm and relaxed and take everything calmly and don't overreact and do the wrong thing. Taking things calmly means I am not stressed of being staff.

      I feel the most dedicated towards getting a task done. For example, if a higher member of staff asks me to do something or a member asks for some help in chat I will make sure to respond or react with extreme care and to make sure that no person on the server is affected by my decisions. I am willing to go out of my way to help the server advance and make sure everyone feels secure. Of course, I won't be able to please everyone on the server (if I ban their friends if they are found guilty of hacking) but overall I feel as if I would make a great addition to the staff team.

      I have a passion for staffing, it just feels so nice and I feel like I've done something productive for the server and I love being a staff member on servers I am passionate to be staff on Mineverse. And what the other staff members do really inspire me and I feel that I want to take part in that and really watch Mineverse from a different point of view. And to be staff here would be great as I've been playing this server for 3 years, to be staff and helping would be such a nice privilege.

      An example of me being dedicated is whenever a higher staff member asks me to do a task, I'll do with care and not in a rush. I'd do anything to help my fellow friends here <3

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      If I acquire the staff rank, I'll be pretty active, however if I don't I'll still be relatively active.
      Monday: 2-4hours.
      Tuesday: 2-4hours
      Wednesday: 2-4hours
      Thursday: 1-3hours
      Friday: 7-9hours
      Saturday: 6-8hours
      Sunday: 5-7hours

      You can find me on OPPvP, KitPvP and sometimes on Factions as I've got decent mcmmo there.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?

      I have been playing Mineverse for a long, long time. I started playing since June 2014 and joined forums on October 2014.

      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)
      I have, these were all a long time ago and I've obviously learnt from them

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?

      In chronological order:
      I was a Mod on a Swedish hub server called MultiPvP which had around 50-100 players where I learnt the basics of being a staff member. Like /ban, /mute, /kick (very basic). This server I resigned from because it wasn't going anywhere.
      I've been staff on an upcoming kitmap server called VoidHCF, I was a Mod. Here I learn't about the basics of screensharing. e.g. file sizes, auto clickers etc. This server had 20-80 people but then it got shut down.
      I've been a Moderator on TigerHCF which had 10-30 people on SOTW.
      I've been a Mod+ on a big practice server called Sarefine and varied from 200-350 players and a lot on weekends. Here I've mastered screensharing. Finding Vape, incognito clients and so much more. I was very successful here and helped the server a lot on Sarefine and I prospered there and really can take all my information from Sarefine into Mineverse.

      I have 2FA enabled.

      Thanks so much for taking the time to read my application. Leave feedback from my actions in-game and on forums and I hope you have a great day. :) PS. If you're going to no support please say why.​
      Last edited: Oct 20, 2016
    2. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      No support.
    3. UncleUrnesto

      UncleUrnesto Boss Member

      Dec 3, 2013
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      No Support, sorry.

      -You're not active enough
    4. Bantz

      Bantz Boss Member

      Oct 17, 2014
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      Elric, I know we've got a bad past but I hope we could be repair that. Any feedback?
      I started playing again, I've actually been on for 2 hours and I'm still online :P Anymore feedback?
    5. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      I'm not supporting you because I haven't seen you on for months and I haven't seen any reports from you, we need active moderators.
    6. Aly

      Aly Alchemist Premium

      Sep 28, 2016
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      No support,even though your from singapore like me.
    7. Bantz

      Bantz Boss Member

      Oct 17, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Thank you, any feedback?
    8. 2003ryan2003

      2003ryan2003 Active Member

      Sep 18, 2016
      Likes Received:
      No support
    9. Bantz

      Bantz Boss Member

      Oct 17, 2014
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      Could I know why?
    10. WhyteDuck

      WhyteDuck Boss Member

      Apr 3, 2016
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      Neutral, work on activity. We need more mods for this timezone. Poor @Auzzi
    11. Bantz

      Bantz Boss Member

      Oct 17, 2014
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      Thank you. I'm on right now but yeah I'll work on it.
    12. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
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      No Support. Your moderator application is poorly written, I've never seen you in-game, and I don't think you do reports.
    13. Bantz

      Bantz Boss Member

      Oct 17, 2014
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      How is it poorly written? I was in-game and I'm about to go off for a bit. I used to do reports but rn my laptop can't handle recording as of now. In my opinion my application is no where near poor but its up to you
    14. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
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      You've missed many commas (or semi-colons if you desired), and many of your sentences don't make a lot of sense. Your Application is slightly aesthetically pleasing, but that really doesn't matter that much in the long run. I don't know if your age has anything to do with your lack of proper communication skills, but you might want to get better at it. Of course, I mean absolutely no insult to you when saying this. This is all just my personal opinion.
    15. Aly

      Aly Alchemist Premium

      Sep 28, 2016
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      Maybe play a bit more?
      Since you just came back,try to play more and then apply for mod.
    16. Bantz

      Bantz Boss Member

      Oct 17, 2014
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      I will, thank you
      I'm 13 years old my grammar is nothing seriously bad. Could you show me some examples of some misplaced commas and punctuation errors? And even if it does have a bit of punctuation errors it doesn't mean its poorly written.
    17. 8four4

      8four4 Active Member

      Oct 28, 2014
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      No Support, I never see you on, and you hack
    18. Bantz

      Bantz Boss Member

      Oct 17, 2014
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      If you can post proof of me hacking. I'm in teamspeak talking to you right now...
    19. Baby

      Baby Well-Known Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      No support

      That's a lot of bans you have on there....
    20. Bantz

      Bantz Boss Member

      Oct 17, 2014
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      A few of them were 2nd ban appeals and i think about 2 of them were incorrect. And they were all about 2 years ago...
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