Im not very good at typing and detail so please don't spank me if I suck. I think backpacks should be added to survival and skyblock (Ect.) Because I think I would be a great and fun addition to the servers! It could be really helpful for when your mining in the wilderness, hunting or chopping trees down, if you take this into suggestion heres a copy of the bukkit page. SimpleBackpacks aims to be the simplest yet most expansive backpack plugin for Bukkit. Right now we are in early stages of this plugin, but its already very usable and very simple. Just pop in the jar, give your users a permission node (or two for bigger backpacks) and be done with it. Check out the Todo list for an extensive overview of features that are to be added. Enjoy! ^_^ Features Simple command to open your backpack Ability to open other online player's backpack (with proper perm node) Admin can set if death clears player backpacks or not Admin can set if death drops your backpack contents to the ground or not Admin can grant a perm node to exempt from emptying backpack on death (great for donators!) Backback size based on a simple permission node (Have 1 - 6 rows of backpack space). Check out the Todo section for upcoming features! Commands /backpack (player) Open your backpack (size based on your permission limit) or someone else's. Permissions backpack.use Gives access to open a backpack with default limit of 1 row. (Aliases: /bp, /purse, /bag, /napsack, /satchel) backpack.use.other Give access to open other player's backpack. Other player MUST be online. backpack.exempt.empty-on-death Players with this perm will not have their backpacks emptied when they die. backpack.limit.X The row limit for that user. Only accepts 1 through 6 in place of X. Default config.yml 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 # Enable debug info in console debug-mode: false # Enable colors in console output color-logs: true # Should the user's backpack empty to the ground when they die? # A false value will leave the player's backpack contents alone. empty-backpack-on-death: false # If empty-backpack-on-death is true should we drop the items to the ground? # A false value will just make the backpack items disappear. drop-backpack-items-on-death: false Todo Add multiple backpack support Add tangible backpacks (a renamed chest) Add config to enable/disable tangible and command backpacks Add ability for tangible backpacks to be stolen (when dropped) Add ability to open other players backpacks (with special perm node) Added in v1.2 Add language file Added v1.4 Add perm nodes to override empty on death Added v1.4 Have a suggestion? Leave a comment! F.A.Q. Why are my color codes turning into double question marks? Because your server is not properly setup. The Java environment must use UTF8 encoding. This is a shortcoming of Bukkit itself, and they have no plans to fix it as they don't feel its broken. If your server is on a remote host you may need to contact your host requesting this change. Seethis comment for more information Metrics This plugin uses metrics to collect stats! It only collect basic things such as version type, and players online. If you want to see everything, click on the graph. Go into /plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml to disable stat collecting if you wish. Well then! There you go! I hope I could help! Even if its the tiniest bit!