Lately Ive been going threw some mod apps and I find the same thing over and over. Every single application is just someone answering the questions and when it comes to " why do you think you should be a moderator" they just list traits personally I find that they should make something different cause I find no real difference in everyones mod application its just the same thing OVER AND OVER AND OVER
I personally think the way people have been doing it isn't particularly bad, and it is a neat and organized way to do it.
I like the way it is now, it tells you how the person is and how they would be if they were a moderator.
No I think that it is perfectly fine the way it is. Although I think maybe if I was to apply again. I would change everything up and do something completely different from what I did my first time. So eh I kind of agree with this, Mineverse could use the out of the box thinkers who go against what everyone else is doing. So keep the same amount of detail but just change everything up. While typing this I slowly changed my own mind. So yes.
I must say that I agree with this. Considering all of the latest accepted applications have the "Why they should be mod" part of their application set up in sections of traits - that is obviously going to make everyone think that's how you're suppose to write it. Since that's how everyone does it; if you see someone who doesn't do that... all of the replies will be "No support, needs more detail". Because, once again, that's how everyone thinks an application is supposed to be written. I guess the real question is: Does an application have to be set up like that to be accepted?
People say in their mod app what they want to say, I think it's good they add their traits so we know what they are like and what they can do.
Hah, it doesn't tell you anything, howbdo you know they didn't make their whole application out of lies? I could say I'm very nice and helpful in game but actually being nice and helpful in game is another thing.
I understand that you would like to change it, but this is an easy and logical way to write an app. Also, what do you want to try to archieve with this thread?
Why would someone take the time to bump, post and be active on forums just to lie on their mod app :/ plus, that's why people say their response from what they have seen of you
People express what they would like into their application. Whether or not they have viewed many other applications and gotten ideas off of them, (which is good in most cases), usually we don't know. But whatever is in the application is what the player decided they would put in 95% of the time. (5% is considering the expanse of players copying off of others' applications). No support, sorry.
You have to remember, it's that persons application. They are applying for staff, so why not allow them to do it the way they want to? Also, listing traits is a great way to show who you really are, how you are. Also, as it is their application -- they are the ones deciding how to apply, so if they do it wrongly, then it will only be them who is affected by their decision on that method of applying. Not yours. No Support.
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