Constipated* Spoiler Do you need some cold water on that burn? And my face doesn't look constipated. If you want to fight me at least use proper grammar. " Intentionally being annoying/trolling/flaming - Plain and simple, if you're going to be annoying just to be annoying, you're not going to last very long here. Flaming is also not acceptable under any circumstances, for any reason. This includes racism, sexism, just being angry at someone, or disliking any certain group of people. Note: We don't care if you don't like a group of people, like gays or Jews, or whatever. Just keep your opinions to yourself. If you go around spreading hatred, we will take action. " That's my response.
I think people should be banned for saying that just my opinion... Its not funny ether its just plane childesh.. So you should really stop <3