I've noticed that my boots was missing a enchant on Skygrid ,so it was Depth Striders. I think we should add Depth Strider for Boots because it is used a lot in Kit-PvP and that it Is added to Minecraft so I think it should be added to Mineverse. x) I may not be correct but atleast that's what I think. Tell me what you think. x)
If you want a list of the enchants I do: Armor: /enchant prot 4 (Protection) /enchant thorns 3 (Thorns) /enchant unbreaking 3 (Unbreaking) /enchant fireprot 4 (Fire protection) /enchant blastprotection 4 (Blast protection) /enchant projprot 4 (Projectile protection) /enchant waterworker 1 (Aqua affinity) /enchant respiration 3 (Respiration) /enchant 8 3 (Depth strider) /enchant featherfalling 4 (Feather falling) Tools: /enchant eff 5 (Efficiency) /enchant fortune 3 (Fortune) /enchant unbreaking 3 (Unbreaking) /enchant silktouch 1 (Silktouch) Swords: /enchant sharp 5 (Sharpness) /enchant unbreaking 3 (Unbreaking) /enchant knockback 2 (Knockback) /enchant fire 2 (Fire aspect) /enchant looting 3 (Looting) /enchant smite 5 (Smite) /enchant ardmg 5 (Bane of arthropods) Bows: /enchant power 5 (Power) /enchant punch 2 (Punch) /enchant flame 1 (Flame) /enchant infinity 1 (Infinity) /enchant unbreaking 3 (Unbreaking)
tin if you want to give armor to your friends or just don't want to use /god xD and if you want to have it for fun c)