Discussion in 'Off-Topic Archive' started by Griff, Oct 9, 2016.
No, my best friend. Tryy againn
@WhyteDuck + UncleUrnesto = Whynesto
Again, but a girl...
Like me? @WhyteDuck + @Andrewswj = Amazingness
@WhyteDuck + @FearTheKlowns = FearTheDucks
No, again. I'll give you and @PatrickTheReaper 3 attempts to get the right ship. Gl.
There'll be killer ducks now.
WhyteDuck + Auzzi
Nope 2 more.
@WhyteDuck + pile = DuckPile
Or PileOfDucks
Or Duckle
@WhyteDuck + @GbDuck = Goose
Naahhh, a girl wud be noice
I know! WhyteDuck + = amazing
@Stacker7 + @Kennaroo2 = Stenner27
Who is this?
@WhyteDuck + @Stacker7 = StackedDucks
I cannot stress enough, I want a girl :(
@WhyteDuck and @Blueman05 =BlueDuck05