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  • Several Suggestions

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by finchy, Nov 1, 2014.

    1. finchy

      finchy Experienced Member

      Oct 25, 2014
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      In game issues:
      Well, I think it would be a lot easier to level up if whenever you voted online out of game you get the points still. I voted on my phone during school one time, and then another time in the afternoon when I was unable to access my computer at the time. I went to check Infection to see if I got my xp. Sure enough, I did! I had about 67 levels, and then it glitched back to 63. I think someone should fix this, it gets fairly annoying AND disappointing at times.
      Second, it's kind of time consuming to put on all of your armor. I'm currently a MSGt (I think that's what it is... idk) and you get diamond boots and a diamond helmet. Well, first I have to remove my helmet to put on the diamond helmet. Then, I have to put on the boots and the pants. It would be great if they already came on when you spawned at another map to play. I don't know why it doesn't come on already.

      There are a few minor glitches I have caught onto in the game. When I do the command /kit skyknight while I'm waiting for players to start the game, I immediately put on the armor. But, my armor glitches back into my inventory, but my player is still wearing it. When the game starts and you fall from the glass spawning thing, the armor comes off again. It does get a bit frustrating, but I could live with it if it is unfixable.
      I have two more suggestions!

      In each game, you come with a book that explains the rules of the game. For example, say you join the Skywars game and you're new. When I first did, I had no idea what to do. I eventually figured it out, it's just that it took me a little while. Also, in the Infection game, a lot of new Rct's do not understand the rules of the game. It would be great if they already knew what was going on and weren't called "noobs" or "nubs" for simply not being informed of the game rules.
      My second suggestion is about xp. You know how you make deals and stuff in order to get xp? Well, I do because I'm planning to buy a rank soon and I don't have access to /kit xp (if that's what it is). I have recently gotten xp from somebody, but I hate it when people try to take it from you when the other person is splashing xp. First, it's annoying as heck. Second, there should be a command like this: /give 8xp FinchyPlays

      That command should allow, for example, me to recieve 8xp bottles which automatically go to my xp bar without me having to find a why to splash it on without anybody trying to get it as well.

      Please notify me or anything if these suggestions are unfixable or impossible to do, thank you!
      Last edited: Nov 1, 2014

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