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  • Seriously?

    Discussion in 'Rant Archive' started by Random, May 2, 2016.

    1. Random

      Random Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 25, 2016
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      Okay, so I seriously need to rant about this because it has been making me angry lately. At the moment, I am on kitpvp. Out of all of the staff, there is only one online, @kinsey_kid. Now before people try to say this is hating on the mods, I am not. People get busy, and have school and whatnot during the day. Well as always, there is an endless supply of hackers on kitpvp. People are getting mad because they tell him to tp to them because there is a hacker, and he cannot tp to all of the people demanding that he tp's to them, so they get angry. They say Mineverse needs better mods, and that kinsey is a bad mod, and all of those things. When you tell them to record and make a report, since he cannot be everywhere at once, they get angry and say "Why should I? There is a mod on." This is ridiculous. A mod cannot be everywhere at once, and you should not hate on them for not being able to be everywhere at once. The staff disrespect I see from people when the mod can't do the impossible demands is ridiculous. I see this happen all of the time, and I see so much staff resign because of this. It is completely uncalled for. It does not take that long to make a report, and it is not that hard to record. The disrespect needs to stop, and people need to understand that the mods are human too!

      Not to mention....somehow kinsley kept his cool the whole time, and never said anything disrespectful back. It amazes me how much these mods go through sometimes to help make the server for people who are so ungrateful.
    2. bare

      bare Well-Known Member

      Sep 9, 2015
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      good to know
    3. Smiley

      Smiley Legendary Member

      Aug 31, 2014
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      This is so true!
    4. Random

      Random Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 25, 2016
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      I wish yall didn't have to deal with these people. Like seriously how hard is it to record and report someone? The person probably has a higher chance of being banned that way. Then they demand their stuff back, as if yall can do that!

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