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  • Selling my titan account ajnh17113

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Ajnh17113, Jun 3, 2015.

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    1. Ajnh17113

      Ajnh17113 Active Member

      Sep 3, 2014
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      Hello my name is ajnh17113 a used to be relatively well known prison/kitpvp known player:
      -Titan rank
      -like 5k onm kit idk forgot some sets of p4 unbrak 3 and lots of p4 (storage accounts ofc)
      -prison free rank and some armor (1 set of guard) 60 gaps some swords that were sought after when i played (namely tuckers last sword he crafted) and some axes as well (OG ofc)
      -can't remember other stuff

      I am selling this account for paypal money/steam gift cards and such
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