Hey guys. c: On Survival I will be selling a castle. {I will post pictures below}. I haven't made a price for it yet, but I am accepting any price ideas you guys have. If you wish to purchase it.. Follow the format below. I will choose the best deal, that can be made. {I am also accepting items, depending on what they are.} {Also please note, that everything you see in the pictures, comes with the castle. I will not be removing chairs, doors, ect.} {One more thing. Some of the walls are cobble and some are ice, I can help fix it if you please} Ign: Amount offering: Alright. Time for pictures. Front view: http://prntscr.com/575wg3 Dining Room: http://prntscr.com/575wtdSitting Room: http://prntscr.com/575y7h Kitchen/Brewing: http://prntscr.com/575zat Enchanting Room: http://prntscr.com/5760p7 Bakery: http://prntscr.com/57614c Nether Portal: http://prntscr.com/57621y Basement: http://i.imgur.com/vkOcfui.png Awkward Room..: http://i.imgur.com/XW5GpUe.jpg Staircase: http://i.imgur.com/ALmW0aD.png Master Bedroom: http://i.imgur.com/v13ztF8.png Bedroom #1: http://i.imgur.com/Ox2I3MY.png Bedroom #2: http://i.imgur.com/so9Yixf.png Stairs #2: http://i.imgur.com/Cq8i1Uh.png Room: http://i.imgur.com/8LG5k5b.png kthnxbai c;
I need a new house :grum: And plus this one is way two small for just me And Endergirlmc28 the girl who I shared it with quit :/
I was in this house once and it is so well organized and i wont get it because i never play Survival =3 The person who gets it will have a great home
when me and endergirl re-did it into ice.. We spent a total of basically 3.2 million.. Including snow and other things we broke
Don't sell it :c Hipster, you helped build that castle with Vixle. After he left, you told me you would keep it safe for him ;-; Plus, I technically still live there, even though you blew up all my chests. I know you might think money will help you, but it won't actually. Keep the castle. It's a masterpiece. You can make another house close to it. If this doesn't persuade you, I'll give you everything I have on Survival, including my vault and money. Please keep it :(