Making this quick and short. I'm quitting Mineverse. I'm quitting this server for reasons. 1. Its getting boring and inactive - All the good players on Mineverse quit and this server is really inactive especially prison, therefore making this game boring. 2. I'm moving on- I'm 14 and I don't think Minecraft is a game I should be playing at this age, plus I've made goals for my future and one of them is to quit Mineverse. So I've dedicated to keep my goals to spend more on studying, listening to music, making more friends so I can have potential in the near future. I love the people who have been playing prison with me from the very beginning. Shoutout is Lapis, Dei, Sparky, Deathauras (Noob), Golem, Thats all I can think of Lol. A big shoutout to @Pile and @Dyna_Mighty for helping me remove shop signs in my journey of playing prison. Thx, Ill be on to check in once in a while, but Ill be very inactive. Hope you guys have a great 2017 and Happy Valentines Day!
See you man. I completely understand your sentiments. Work towards your other goals now that you've accomplished one.
hey we have @Pile who still plays MC ;p but yeah it's sad to see another player depart, gl w life and all ;(
bye man i know u don't know me well, but I've seen u on prison and u seem awesome, sucks to see some1 else leave. Cya man gl in life
We've lost so many nice people in such a short period of time, mv please contain this crisis everyone is leaving. Bye dood.:ah