Let me tell the story, last night I did a deal with BillCipher_. He said for 950k & 10 weapons he would give me an alt. Which he did. The next day, I tried to log on with it, and he changed the Password. Now I said to him, can you re-change the password, so I can use it. He said yes, if you pay me 335k, or some high amount. He asked me for more money AFTER we already did the deal. Now, he won't give me the account again unless I pay him more that what we already did. I don't have proof of him giving me the account info, or me paying. But I do have proof of me asking him if I payed him 950k & 10 weapons, and confirms it. Techincally, he did scam me because he won't re give me the account back, unless I pay him more that what we already did. Proof of him saying he won't change the pass, proof of him saying I did pay him, and proof of him saying he won't change the pass (All in 1 video):
Also, that little bit where I try to log onto the account, that was me trying to log onto the alt he sold me. This was the info he told me: http://imgur.com/YFTbvdq
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