I was in a deal and this person Cmoreno32 scammed me, we agreed for on something. We had a middle man that is OG_PinkSheep, he was helping Cmoreno32 to scam, i gave him the items and money then they ran off with my things. Here are the evidences Ign: CrystalCookie Scammers: Cmoreno32 and OG_PinkSheep
Unfortunately this isn't enough evidence to prove of a scam. We do not accept chat logs as evidence. Also, you have been banned for the use of a hacked client......huzini is not allowed within Mineverse. https://gyazo.com/6fb7d9d640be0677cc4e1a1503c971ef
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.