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  • Kit PvP Scammer - runevb12 [Pulch | Banned]

    Discussion in 'Reports: Banned' started by Pokecraftmine, Dec 20, 2015.


    Should scammers be banned instantly?

    1. Yes

    2. No

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    1. Pokecraftmine

      Pokecraftmine Active Member

      Dec 19, 2015
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      Yesterday I made a deal with a minecraft user (runevb12) on the /kit pvp server. The agreement was to sell him a Diamond Chestplate with Protection IV and Unbreaking III for 230$. From this extremely inflated price that he offered I should've suspected something wasn't right but I naively went ahead with the transaction. However when I gave him the chestplate he payed me 5$ and instantly left the server, indicated by these screenshots that I took as soon as I suspected I was being scammed and after he left the server.

      2015-12-19_18.34.38.png 2015-12-19_18.34.44.png 2015-12-19_18.34.45.png 2015-12-19_18.34.47.png 2015-12-19_18.34.50.png 2015-12-19_18.34.52.png 2015-12-19_18.34.56.png 2015-12-19_18.36.50.png
    2. TADS

      TADS Guest

      Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned.
      This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
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